Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Academic Thesis Statements Explained By Nick Sanders

Many people become confused with the numerous terms in academia; the difference between an essay and a report can also confuse many people, not just freshers. In order to fully understand what a thesis statement is, you will need to understand that it concentrates on a generalised topic and opinions.
The central topic of a thesis statement generally means that this paper is concerned around an individual topic and the author won't usually venture far, as can be found in a general essay or report. The key element of this paper will be to provide the reader with examples to prove an overall point.
Expert Author Nick SandersThe thoughts and understanding of the topic should be clearly established in the writing, as you the author, will want to paint a realistic picture of what you want to achieve through accurate analyses and definitive information, which will be reviewed in the research process of the paper.
The key element that you need to remember with this paper is that you need to have both contrast and control - you should be providing valid arguments and discussion of the topic/area, on the one side, and the paper should be well structured and planned on the other. You should lead your reader along a road to your understanding and scope of the paper.
Also, you should have a central theme to the paper, as well as specific areas that the paper looks into and analyses. You will need to plan and execute the thesis statement well, in order to understand the whole process. If you plan and execute the paper well, then the rest of your thoughts, understanding, and actual writing will fall into line. You should also remember that this type of paper is persuasive in nature and should lead the reader to a specific ending; your writing and conclusions need to look more realistic, but at the same time definitive.
An ideal view of a thesis statement would be to look at it as a paper that needs to be packed full of accurate and reliable data, which is easily verifiable by the reader; you will not want to write this crucial and critical paper placed on some un-found facts and opinions.
Being in full control of what you are writing and presenting to the reader is a must with this type of paper, and you can not afford to 'slip up' or make a mistake. Your professionalism is important here and you do not want to detract the reader from your understanding and ability to deliver on what you set out to do. If your writing looks unfocused and all over the place, then this will provide a haphazard appearance of your work.
You should take advice from lecturers and professors on the content, flow and clarity of your work, and especially if any comments are made on the structure of your work. If your structure isn't positive and linked together, then this can have negative affects on the reader's impression of what your thesis statement is going to achieve.
A thesis statement is also much of your own work and opinions, and you will be more than likely come into contact with people that will disagree categorically with what you have stated or written. You will need to be able to handle this criticism and opinionated argument, and face them with proof and understanding that what you have stated is true and reflective. Most of all, you will need to be able to 'stand your ground' through the writing in your thesis statement and when you are questioned verbally about your paper.
Nick Sanders is the owner and founder of Supaproofread.com, a thesis editing services company, specialising in editing and proofreading services. You should visit them if you are looking for dissertation editing proofreading

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1616311

Copywriters Using Article Marketing Need to Write More Articles By Lance Winslow

Most copywriters are quite busy and yet they need to continually be looking for their next job as they are working on their current one. This means they need to market their services and consider ways to get new clients who will pay them what they are worth.
There is a lot of competition in the copywriting business and some copywriters sell their services way too cheap. Often copywriters talk about this and wished that those who sell their services too cheap would at least consider the industry standards.
Expert Author Lance WinslowSome copywriters will seek online customers through writing online articles and use online article marketing strategies. This makes sense because it does a couple of things. First it allows the copywriter to display their creative and excellent writing skills. Secondly the byline at the bottom of the article can be linked to their web site so the person interested in buying copywriting services will see that and learn more about them.
Unfortunately, as I study the online article marketing Internet sub-sector, I have noted that many copywriters do not write that many articles. If they truly wish to have better customers and more of them, then they need to write more articles and put them online.
The more articles they write the greater the number of people will be clicking into their web site and asking questions and perhaps buying more services. If you want to succeed in copywriting using article marketing as a primary tool to attract new clients, then you need to write more articles. Please consider this in 2006.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/310129

Article Marketing - How to Market a Home Catering Service With Article Writing By Darren K Chow

Those living in the cities and leading a busy lifestyle will understand this - there just isn't enough time in a single day! For this reason, many urban dwellers choose not to cook their own meals. Instead, they buy their meals from home catering services. Here is how you can promote a home catering service using a traditional marketing method - article writing.
Expert Author Darren K ChowTip 1: Write about the importance of eating nutritional meals.
Tip 2: Write about the importance of eating regular meals.
Tip 3: Write about mouth watering home cooked dishes.
Tip 1: Write about the importance of eating nutritional meals.
Let's face it - those who spend a lot of time out of their house trying to make a living are eating lots of junk food out there. Meals that consist primarily of fried chicken, french fries, and soft drinks. That is unhealthy eating. How about treating the body better with well balanced meals? Write about such issues and remind your customers to take good care of their health.
Tip 2: Write about the importance of eating regular meals.
When we get busy, what do we do? We start skipping meals. Then the body starts to protest by giving us problems - gastric pains, storing fat, falling sick, etc. To be more productive, you need to keep your energy levels consistent throughout the day. You can't do so if you eat irregular meals. For instance, stop working late and skipping meals. If you have work to do, go home and eat your meals. Then resume your work.
Tip 3: Write about mouth watering home cooked dishes.
Finally, you can show others how to prepare nutritional meals quickly. The primary goal is to show your readers that you (or your staff) possess great cooking skills. Most homeowners will just end up buying from you instead of preparing their own meals.
Want to learn how to get to the top of Google using Article Marketing? I have the tools, knowledge, and resources to help you achieve your traffic and income goals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4283279

Writing an Article - Latest 4 Comprehensive Ways to Writing an Article That Sells By Sean R Mize

If your primary goal in writing your articles is to get online users to buy your products and services then, this one is for you. In here, I'll teach you how to create persuasive articles that will help you win the business of your potential clients so, read on!
Expert Author Sean R Mize1. First thing to do is to figure out the problems or the most burning questions of your readers. These are the best topics to discuss on your articles. You see, the main reason why people go online is because they are looking for answers and solutions. So, give them exactly what they want and capture their attention in the process.
2. Offer in-depth information. Show your readers that you are an expert in your niche by giving them solid, in-depth information. Give them the best answers to their questions and help them figure out the best ways to solve their problems.
3. Do resort to hard selling. This is the biggest mistake that you can ever commit when writing your articles. You see, people are easily annoyed when they feel that they are being obligated to buy something. So, instead of making your articles sound like sales pitches, make them informative and useful as much as possible. Earn the trust and confidence of your readers first before you subtly mention the products or services that you sell.
4. Communicate the features and benefits of your products and services. Again, do this subtly. Be very careful not to make your articles sound like sales letters. Just tell your readers what your products can do and how they can possibly help them out.
By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3443281

A Step by Step Guide for Writing Effective Articles By Cindy Garrido

Expert Author Cindy GarridoIf you've been marketing online long enough, you know just how important it is to write articles to promote yourself and your business. However, there are probably times you've written your articles, yet don't have anything to show for it. There's no one visiting your squeeze page, sales page, or anyone buying your products or services. Dejected, you may think that writing articles may be a waste of your time and energy. Well, I'm here to say that there are ways to ensure you spend your time creating effective articles: articles that get read, and where prospects move on to visit your website. Here's how to write effective articles.
Select any topic that is related to your line of work. This can be anything related to your line of business. For example, if you sell shirts online, the following topics may fit (get it, "fit").
- How to find shirt that fit
- The best brands of shirts for elegant outings
- How to choose the right shirt
- Different types of shirts
- Where to find bargains on certain kinds of shirts
- Etc..
Hopefully, you're getting the idea here. Simply focus on topics that you know people interested in your subject matter are asking about. Try and get into the habit of focusing on answering people's questions in your articles.
The title, or headline, is of the utmost importance. It's the difference between getting your article read, or having it be just another one of the articles your prospects filter through on a day to day basis. If your title doesn't stop your reader dead in his or her tracks, you'll never get them to read your article, or click on your link in your resource box, or visit your offer, and/or respond/purchase your products.
In other words, without a compelling title, you'll never make any money!
So, here are several suggestions of titles/headlines for your articles that are designed to stop a prospect from what they're doing and follow your offer all the way to them giving you money by buying your products or services.
- How to...
- The (3,7,9 choose a number) ways you can benefit from (your product's main benefit)
- The top (3,7,9 choose a number) keys to (something related to your subject matter)
- What do (something related to your product) need (like, love, hate, etc.) the most (least, worst, greatest, etc.)?
- What is the best (worst, hardest, lousiest, etc.) way to (something related to your product)
When you first begin to write titles for articles, it may be difficult at first, but you'll soon get the hang of it. In the beginning writing titles may feel a little unnatural, even awkward. But like anything, with practice and repetition, you'll soon get better at the process so that after your 100th or so title, the article titles will develop more easily.
So, don't just sit there, practice it right now. Sit down and write up 100 or so article titles. There no way to get good unless you practice (or pay someone hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to create the right title for you).
It's very important to organize your work, so that your article has a very natural structured flow. Now, this may be different with each article you write, but make sure that you've organized the article well so that readers will have an easy time digesting your information.
I typically like the to follow the structure of:
(1) tell them what you're going to tell them (introduction)
(2) tell them (body)
(3) tell them what you've just told them (conclusion)
I also like to use breaks, lines, and numbers to create a sense of organization in my articles.
I like to write in a conversational matter that comes out as easy and friendly. Don't worry, you're not writing for a scientific journal where you've have to write in perfect prose, with citations to all of your work (unless of course you've actually cited or quoted something). No, you're writing an informative article that, bottom line, is designed to build credibility and/or get them to click your links in your resource box.
So write like you're writing to a friend, and you are simply telling him or her about the information you'd like to get across. And typically you article should fall between 500-700 words for most article directories. Many article directories will not publish you if it's shorter than that. Further, many ezines may not publish your article if it's more than 700 words due it's length.
Your resource box in the life line towards success, and this is how you'll be able to build your business. If you've done your job, the reader is going to want to learn more by visiting your offers.
Simply go online and search the term "article directories" to find the most current list of article directories. Then signup with each one, and follow their specific instructions. When you're done, simply start submitting your article to each directory following their rules.
You'll soon discover that you'll start to receive some traffic from each article. Now traffic may come in spurts, and you may notice that the biggest traffic surges occur when some ezine or newsletter picks up your article for publication.
Let's see just how well your article is doing. If you've created a unique article, then chances are that before you wrote it, you wouldn't have been able to find it in the search engines. For instance, if my article was about "underwater ping pong" and I typed it into Google prior to writing it, I shouldn't be able to find anything. Now after writing the article, do the same thing... in other words, put quotes around your title and plug it into Google's search engine. If it comes up, then you may have an idea of just how many sites have linked to it. Although, I don't know how many people would be interested in "underwater ping pong."
So, to create effective articles that get read and where prospects ultimately visit your website will require that you choose a topic to write about, create a good title, organize your work, and write. Further, you'll have to add your resource box, submit to multiple article directories, and monitor your progress. And this isn't a one time affair. To be effective with article marketing means to consistently create articles that provides a never ending stream of prospects visiting your site. It may be time consuming, but remember, these articles often produce the best qualified leads, and at a very low cost - only your time, effort, and imagination.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/920371

Help With Academic Writing By Jolyon Dodgson

Everyone who attends college or university will need to do academic writing. Having you write essays and reports are two of the main ways that your teachers have to assess your development; they also act as important prompts to help you learn information by yourself. Especially if you're new at college writing an academic essay or report can seem to be a daunting prospect; in this article I'll give you some tips to help you successful produce academic writing.
Expert Author Jolyon Dodgson1) Read the Question
This might seem like a very simple thing but you'd be surprised by the number of students who either don't read the question fully or who decide to answer a slightly different question as they can write a better essay about that topic. If you've been set a specific question, answer it. There will be marks available for points you can make relating to the topic and none for any points which aren't related to the topic.
One of the important skills being tested in essay writing is your ability to write about a topic you might not know a lot about. You need to be able to do research about the topic and then from a well crafted argument.
2) Plan
Spend time thinking about the topic of the academic writing assignment. Write down what you know already, write down what you need to find out and then plan your overall argument for the essay.
By planning at the start it'll help you focus the time that you spend on researching and then writing the essay. You might need to do some research before you can fully plan the whole essay, but by doing some planning first it'll help you focus the research that you do so it'll add maximum value to your essay.
Once you've finished researching you can go and plan more before starting to write your essay.
3) Develop a Good Thesis Statement
A good essay needs a good, strong thesis statement. It helps set the tone for the essay so your readers know the position that you'll be writing the essay from, also it helps you to form your ideas and write a clear and concise essay.
A good thesis statement will include your main conclusion as the basis from which the rest of the essay will be argued. It should be written in a way that'll make someone want to discuss it with you; this means taking a side rather than writing a bland even thesis statement. Sometimes it can also help if you make your thesis statement slightly controversial so people will remember it and want to argue about it.
4) Proofread
Before finishing your essay you should proofread it to make sure that there aren't any mistakes to do with the grammar or spelling you've used. As part of the writing process you should have revised the information and contents of the academic writing; the proofreading stage is where you make sure that the language you've used is as clear as it can be.
You'll find more mistakes if you leave the essay for a day or two before going back and proofreading it. You should also print the essay and proofread the paper copy while using a ruler or another sheet of paper to obscure the rest of the page so you can concentrate on just the line that you're reading at that moment.
These four tips should hopefully enable you to write better academic essays and reports. Remember that if you're new at college you'll only get better if you practice, so work hard on each and every assignment as you'll be improving your academic writing skills with each one.
Copyright Jolyon Dodgson PhD. Jolyon, the author of this article, is a research scientist, qualified TEFL teacher (teaching English as a foreign language) and freelance proofreader specializing in scientific, academic, website, business and ESL proofreading. Much more useful information about writing and proofreading, written by him, can be found at his website http://www.excellent-proofreading-and-writing.com. The section about academic writing contains more information to help you with writing your own academic documents; this can be found at http://www.excellent-proofreading-and-writing.com/academic-writing.html. You can also submit your documents for his proofreading and copyediting service through the Excellent Proofreading and Writing website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6720798

MLA Format By John Halasz

MLA format is the research paper structure of the Modern Language Association. The Modern Language Association is the major scholarly organization in the United States. The MLA format was designed for students of art history, English, cultural studies, cinematic studies, comparative literature, history, and other liberal arts and humanities studies. MLA style consists of in-text parenthetical citations followed by Works Cited/Bibliography reference pages to conclude research papers. The MLA style has guidelines on everything from the header to the footer of any given essay, article or research paper. Due to technological advancement, the Modern Language Association has expanded its citation formatting to include website, web page, and blog posts citations.
Expert Author John HalaszBenefits of MLA Format
One of the benefits of MLA format is that the format makes it easy for anyone to cite sources in papers or reference sources in other work. MLA shies away from complex citations, which is why the format itself is "the format of the people." You can even format letters in a loose, MLA style. The Modern Language Association format has become more than a format for academics, but also a format for life. Virtually any activity that involves writing can utilize MLA style. Another benefit of the Modern Language Association format is that it prevents students from having to spend minutes at a time checking footnotes to make sure that they are correct. Students of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) and Turabian formats, by default, must employ footnotes in their papers; conversely, MLA students do not. Parenthetical citation involves the use of parentheses to bracket off an in-text citation [(Ex: Michaels, 89)], and can remove the need for footnotes/endnotes at the bottom of a page of research text.
Next, MLA format has expanded to incorporate the World Wide Web as a medium of legitimate research. For years, it was said that sites like Wikipedia or Internet reads such as blog posts could not be deemed academic research. Now, the Modern Language Association has made it easy for Internet sources to be as academically valid as printed sources. The virtual world is changing our idea of reality to include the virtual as part of the real.
MLA format is designed to help students of language, literature, and humanities classes structure and design their research papers properly. Having a set standard helps students to know exactly what their professor demands as well as the demands of academic research. It pays to learn this format, for you never know the occasion on which you will have to utilize it.
I am a retired teacher and a professional writer and editor for hire. CALL (716) 570-HIRE or visit http://EditorHire.Com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6737749

Find the Best Freelance Writers and Editors for the Lowest Prices Online By Abdenbi Mandar

Expert Author Abdenbi Mandar
Are you in need of a good freelance writer or editor that won't cost you an arm and a leg? It's not uncommon for people to come up with a great idea, put it into action, and then discover that they need to employ an expert to finish it off. You might have decided to write an eBook and later discovered that it wasn't up to publishing standards; or you might have set up a website only to realize later that it looked pretty bare. Unfortunately, around the same time, you probably also discovered how much it was going to cost you to employ someone else to do it -- and it was a lot more than you budgeted for!
Fortunately, there is an easy way to find the best freelance writers and editors for the lowest prices online. You will find these freelancers on freelance job forums. I'll briefly explain how these forums work so you can understand how to utilize them.
Both freelancers and employers join the sites (at no cost) and complete a profile. Employers then post their projects to the forum, describing the job requirements, project budget, and deadline. Once the project is posted, freelancers begin bidding on it. The project remains open for bids until the employer selects someone suitable, awards the project and the project is accepted.
So, rather than going through the rigorous task of posting classified ads and interviewing potential freelancers one by one, job forums provide a platform for you to post your job in one place and have it seen by thousands of qualified freelancers. And rather than negotiating a fee for the project, you have the opportunity to select the best price from among the many bids that you receive. Of course, just because there are thousands of freelance writers and editors in these forums does not mean that they are all qualified workers capable of producing quality work.
So how do you assess whether or not you are choosing the best freelancer for your project? The first step is to review the freelancers' profiles. These profiles should contain all the information normally contained in a traditional resume, including their usual pay rate. Most job forums also include a review process, which allows you to see how previous employers have rated each freelancer's quality of work, communication and professionalism. But you don't have to rely on this information alone. A great way to weed out unqualified freelancers is by asking them to provide work samples they have completed. You will find that by asking for this in your job posting, you will only receive bids from qualified, high quality writers and editors.
Posting your projects on freelance job forums can save you a lot of time, money and hassle. You will also be pleasantly surprised to find that many of the freelancers on these sites live right in your backyard (so to speak) and you may not have found them through traditional advertising methods. So don't waste any more time struggling to find the best freelance writers and editors any other way.
Some of the best freelance writers and editors can be found at http://www.freelancerland.com. To learn more about how freelance job forums work and check out the jobs that are currently being posted by other employers, visit the website at http://www.freelancerland.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6701951

Should You Ever Use Contractions in Formal Writing? By Krystalina Soash

Expert Author Krystalina Soash
As the young woman showed up for her job interview she noticed her résumé on her prospective employer's desk. Her main concern at this time was whether or not she should have used grammatical contractions on her valuable paper.
Having been on interviewing and hiring panels, I understand the value of grammatical correctness on a résumé. The use of contractions on this very important document is a big deal. It speaks volumes about the prospective employee. Though it's true that some will say it's not, it's actually inappropriate to use grammatical contractions in any type of formal writing.
So what constitutes formal writing?
Formal writing encompasses any type of writing dealing with established or prescribed rules and conventions governing a code. Such types of writings fall in the categories such as:
Job Résumé: This is your summary of your work experience, your educational background, your credentials, and marketing strategy that tells your prospective employer the reasons you're the perfect match for the position you are applying for.
Formal Research Paper: This is a paper with the results of your methodical investigation which you have conducted to prove or disprove a theory. This formal paperwork either establishes or revises your theory with facts from your discovered facts.
PowerPoint Presentation: This is a digital tool which replaced the old projector for presenting information to your audience. This is where you keep your presentation simple, professional, engaging, and clear.
Academic Reports: These are any type of written detailed information about your research or investigation related to an educational institution such as school, college, university, academy, or any type of related higher and formal education.
Scholarly Articles for Peer Review: These are papers written by experts in the academic or professional fields on topics that have already been studied and well researched. These scholarly articles also contain bibliographical resources for further research.
But why wouldn't you use contractions on these types of papers?
Here's why:
The use of contractions is viewed as informal speech or writing. It's colloquial and colloquial does not belong in any type of formal writing or speaking such as those mentioned above.
The use of contractions mostly applies when speaking with loved ones, friends, and family which are used on a more personal level and should never be used in formal settings.
And last but not least, the use of contractions takes away from the professional approach to communication. Remember that when it comes to communicating on a professional level, you must come across as a professional and refined speaker or writer.
So go ahead and project yourself as a professional and confident speaker or writer, simply avoid the use of contractions in formal writings.
Krystalina Soash is a freelance writer and trilingual interpreter. She has two published works, "Your Positive Potential: Action Steps for Self-Empowerment" and "Writing Tips for Student Projects and New Freelance Writers."
You may visit Krystalina at http://www.writingforyounow.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6703703

Content Writing Services Boost Targeted Traffic And Search Engine Rankings By Teresa Tackett

Content writing services can give your online business the boost it needs, both in terms of more targeted traffic and better search engine rankings. Whether you are just starting an online business, have taken your brick-and-mortar business to the web, or are an old hand but need help where your web pages are concerned, a reputable content writing service can help you achieve success online.
What content writing services know that the average online business owner may not
Expert Author Teresa Tackett
Writing compelling web pages and articles is essential to your success online; the internet is a very competitive arena for any business. However, some individuals know they need a website, and they want it to look appealing, have a great design, easy navigation, perhaps a video or other bells and whistles. If your content lacks, all of these other things are simply a waste.
What does an experienced content writing service know that you may not? First of all, web pages need to offer value to your reader; they should be interesting and compelling, inviting your reader to stay put instead of going off in search of your competition. That being said, the words on the page must also be optimized for keywords and keyword phrases, but you never want to engage in "keyword stuffing," as this turns off not only your visitor, but the search engines will actually penalize you for this. So, accomplishing just the right mix of information, entertainment and keyword optimization is a task best left to the professionals.
A talented content writer understands the importance of great copy - everywhere
Content writers that are skilled in crafting the written word for online websites, articles and blogs know that these things all work hand-in-hand. Your web pages are the most important of all, your "online store" if you will. It is crucial that this content delivers both on an SEO and human interest level. Articles, blog posts and press releases are other essential components of a successful online presence; by creating keyword rich text links from these other sources to your website, you will experience a gradual increase in targeted traffic and search engine rankings over time.
There are several reasons why the most successful businesses online today hire content writing services. First, they know that many in this industry are talented and possess in-depth knowledge of SEO and how search engines work. Second, they may not have the time or the desire to write their own web pages and articles. Third, many people simply cannot write - not everyone has a way with words, and to achieve success online, well-written content is essential.
Are you writing your own web pages and articles in an effort to save money? Unless you are highly talented and understand SEO and keyword optimization, good luck - you'll need it.
If you are in need of exceptional content that can help propel your online business to the top of the competition, our content writing services are second to none. Top-notch content, quick turn-around and great rates.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6703476

Useful Tips for Professional Speakers - By Gary N Arnold

Expert Author Gary N Arnold
Being a first-speakerker takes preparation and knowhow. Because the professional speaking industry is both competitive and crowded, you will need to take the time to prepare yourself so that you can be at the top of your game. Use these tips to sharpen your skills and presentation.
1. Be prepared for your presentation before you step up to the podium. Practice, practice, practice. There is no substitute for being well prepared. Add being unprepared to a case of stage fright, and you have a recipe for disaster. Arrive early so that you have plenty of time to get set up and familiarize yourself with your surroundings.
2. Tell a story. People like to listen to stories they can relate to. A good story will grab the attention of your audience. It can also make it easy for them to understand the point you are trying to make. A story also helps your audience remember your key points. Humorous stories can re-engage an audience whose attention is drifting.
3. Don't be afraid of moments of silence. A lot of speakers get nervous and have a tendency to talk quickly, thus speeding through their presentation. If you slow down, and even pause momentarily at pivotal points in your talk, it helps the audience internalize what you are talking about. It also shows that you are being thoughtful as you deliver your talk.
4. Emphasize your key points. You can do this through the repetition of your keywords. This will help your audience remember what it is you want to stress in your presentation.
5. Make eye contact with your audience members. Make sure that, as you give your speech, you look around the room making eye contact with as many audience members as possible. Avoid looking down at your notes too often. Your audience wants to connect with you, and they want to feel that you are connecting with them.
6. Be expressive during your speech. Express emotion through your tone of voice and gestures.
7. Take into account the different life experiences of your audience. While there are some experiences that many of us share, it is important to gear your talk to a wide range of individuals. Knowing who your audience will be is a big help in preparing a talk that will appeal to a larger segment of the group.
8. Never think that you or your talk has to be perfect. Expert speakers can make mistakes too. But with that being said, you will tend to make fewer mistakes if you practice a lot. If you do make a mistake, admit it light-heartedly and with humor and move on. Don't let it get you flustered, this only increases the likelihood of more mistakes.
9. Know that it is normal to be nervous. If you find your fear of public speaking is a real hindrance take whatever steps are necessary to overcome your fear. There is a lot of information out there about how to do this. A little bit of nervousness can actually be used to your advantage if you channel the energy into making you a more energetic and enthusiastic speaker.
10. Accept feedback. You will never be able to improve as a speaker if you aren't willing to look at the feedback you receive. Take a look at you strengths and weaknesses. Don't be discouraged by negative feedback use it to make the necessary adjustments to your presentation and become a truly dynamic speaker.
11. Speak as often as possible. Take every opportunity to speak even if it means speaking for free in the beginning. The more you speak the better you will become, and the more you and your name will become known.
12. Learn from the experts. Take the time to watch very successful speakers. See what it is they are doing, and get inspired to enhance your own skills and presentations.
13. Join organizations for speakers. This is a great way to network and learn new strategies and techniques
14. Stay current in your niche. Read and learn all you can from reference materials, magazines, newspapers, the Internet and books. Audiences enjoy listening to speakers who are knowledgeable and can provide cutting edge, interesting information.
For over 25 years Dr. Arnold has been CEO of Windhorse Corp., where he assists the nation's top speakers, coaches, authors, entertainers, business owners and sales executives. He is the author of "How the Top 1% of Speakers and Coaches Do Internet Marketing".
His mission is single focused: to help his clients learn the insider secrets how the Top 1% of Speakers earn massive amounts of money with their speaking career in the most direct and easiest way possible.
To get more tips you can use immediately to improve monetizing your speaking, presentation, and coaching skills, sign up for Dr. Gary Arnold's monthly e-newsletter by visiting http://www.6figureSpeakers.com and entering your email address. http://www.windhorse.org.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6741675

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Speaking Ideas: The 90 Word Secret To Remembering Your Speech Outline - By Tayo Solagbade

Expert Author Joseph ValentinettiFor adults in today's fast paced and fast changing technology driven world, the need to get much done in less time is as pressing as ever. One area where this has become glaring is our ability to remember things. Because we have so much to do in the same 24 hours of each day, many people now struggle to remember stuff.
The result is that many people now depend on various tools and devices to enhance their ability to cope with the heightened demands of meeting the daily challenges of modern day living. You know them... BlackBerries, iPads, computers of all kinds and the Internet itself (e.g. web based birthday/anniversary reminder services).
But if truth be told, human beings, MAN, still has in him the capacity to achieve much higher levels of productivity than he currently does. Unfortunately, most of us do not know. Indeed, some think it's impossible to do more than they currently do, without getting help from others. They do not know what they are truly capable of.
Your Speaking Success Depends On Having A Speech Outline & A Good Memory
Nothing can be more devastating than finding out in the middle of your delivery that you cannot recall one or more key points you wish to make to pass your message across successfully.
Now, there is probably no ability more crucial to your success as a speaker, than your capacity for remembering i.e. your memory. Among other things, your memory helps you to remember the order of the points in your talk or speech i.e. your speech outline.
It therefore goes without saying that in today's world, with the seemingly increased pressures of modern day living, developing a RELIABLE system for improving and making optimal use of your memory, can greatly influence the outcome of every single speaking outing you have.
"The average man does not use above ten percent of his actual inherited capacity for memory. He wastes the ninety per cent by violating the natural laws of remembering." - Carl Seashore
The foregoing point by this highly reputable expert is very instructive - for many people in today's world - especially if they aspire to become successful speakers. After thinking up and getting your thoughts down on paper, you will have blended them with ideas and insights from research reading you have done, to produce a speech outline that enables you do justice to the subject or topic.
But since it would be in bad taste to read out your speech from paper, the next task after completing your outline, will be for you to develop a formula or system for remembering your speech outline.
The Laws of Remembering
It has been established that IMPRESSION, REPETITION and ASSOCIATION are the THREE natural laws of remembering, upon which the "memory system" is founded. So, to understand how to improve one's memory, it becomes imperative that one understand how to avoid violating each of these laws.
1. IMPRESSION: You need to form the habit of concentrating your attention intensely on what you wish to remember, so as to achieve a clear, and long lasting impression of it in your mind. Note the use of the word "habit" here. Historical accounts tell us that Theodore Roosevelt's trained himself to be able to concentrate on the task at hand even when in adverse environments e.g. where noise/distractions existed.
Your ability to focus in this manner on what you want to remember will help you imprint it in your memory. One example drawn from Dale Carnegie's writing: Test your mastery of this law by seeing how well you are able to recall the names of people you are introduced to, a while afterwards.
2. INTELLIGENT REPETITION: We use repetition a lot because most of what we have to learn is via rote - blind memorisation. We recite poems, until we know them by heart. It should be noted here that the repetition referred to is NOT that which turns the learner or user into what Robert Kiyosaki has called "mindless parrots." It is advised that reasonable intervals are allowed between the repetitions.
In relation to your speech outline, you can use repetition to improve your ability to remember it. Reading it out loud - the way Abraham Lincoln did, and the way students of Islam studying the Koran did - is a good way to achieve this. After you have done it a while, you'll notice a marked improvement in your ability to recall the relevant points in your outline, making it easier to strong together the various parts of your speech in the right order, so that your outing goes as planned.
3. ASSOCIATION: The famed psychologist, Prof. William James, described this third law as "the indispensable element in remembering". Our minds work better when given "cues". Pictures are perfect vehicles for communicating such cues, and that's why they can be successfully used to improve our ability to recall anything from memory.
Mark Twain, reportedly revealed - in a magazine interview - that he used he used pictures - which he formed by himself - to remember the order of occurrence of items he wished to remember. The pictures you use, for this concept to work, must have some association with the thing you wish to recall. One example: To remember a person's name e.g. Mr. Tangahar who sell fruits, you could think up the picture of "Tangerine".
For your speech, remembering the outline can be made easier by what Dale Carnegie called a "nonsense sentence". There's one that was widely used when I was in school many years ago, to remember the letters of the alphabet: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog". It's not totally nonsensical, but it is a bit trivial. For those who used it however, it offered a quick way to quickly recall all the 24 letters of the alphabet - especially under tense situations.
Here's a humorous twist to this concept: In Nigeria, when our power company was still called National Electric Power Authority (NEPA), people chose to call it "Never Expect Power Always" to reflect our perception of its ability to deliver reliable power supply. When it changed name to "Power Holding Company of Nigeria"(PHCN), people responded by breaking down the NEW acronym to mean "Please Hold Candle in Nigeria"!
To use this technique, a speaker would put words in a nonsense sentence, in the order in which the idea or point each word represents, occurs in the speech itself. To paraphrase Dale Carnegie, any group of ideas can be linked together using words in a nonsense sentence that may tend to be even easier to recall, because it sounds ridiculous. So, please use it.
Summary: The 90 Word Secret To Remembering, Derives From The 3 Natural Laws
Here it is - in form of advice given by a competent authority on the subject:
"We are visual minded. Eye impressions stick. We can often remember a man's face, even though we cannot recall his name. The nerves that lead from the eye to the brain are twenty-five (25) times as large ad those leading from the ear to the brain. The Chinese have a proverb that says "one time seeing is worth a thousand times hearing". Write down the name, the telephone number, the speech outline you want to remember. Look at it. Close your eyes. Visualise it in flaming letters of fire." - Dale Carnegie
And that's the secret. You will notice that it effectively captures the requirements of the three natural laws of remembering, which is why it provides a fool proof formula that you can readily put to use for yourself - with some study and effort of course.
Final Words: The ideas provided here are based on a review of Dale Carnegie's notes on "The Improvement of Memory" in his book titled "How To Wind Friends & Influence People By Public Speaking". Get yourself a copy of the book and study these concepts in more detail, then put them to use, to improve your memory and become a more effective speaker today!
Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a Multipreneur, helping individuals/businesses develop and implement strategies to achieve their goals, faster and more profitably.
Depending on his availability, Tayo accepts invitations to deliver customisable talks and keynote speeches (on Self-Development, Best Practice/Workplace Performance Improvement, Making Your Website BRING You Customers, How To Make Microsoft Excel Do ALL You Want & Nothing You Don't, Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas, and Entrepreneuring) for an affordable fee.
Visit http://www.tksola.com to signup for Tayo's Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter (you get free copies of Tayo's latest reports: "Introduction To Public Speaking For Business Marketing" & "Tested, Proven & Ready-To-Use, Ideas For Marketing Your Book At Zero-Cost"), and while there, click the link provided to learn how you can get access to Burt Dubin's speaker mentoring service, proven over 2 decades, which is now available to Africa based experts, who want to get paid as International Speakers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6742072

Don't Communicate With Me - Just Talk to Me - By Connie H Deutsch

Expert Author Tayo Solagbade
Maybe it was just one of those days. I was hot, tired, and trying to keep my appointments on schedule and I wasn't in the mood for people who couldn't use plain words to get their point across.
On this day, a man leaving a message on my voice mail identified himself, stated the purpose of his call, and then said, "I would appreciate a return call so I can communicate with you." I deleted the message.
Communicate with me? Whatever happened to talk to me? I can't remember ever leaving a message for someone saying that I wanted to communicate with him, although I don't hesitate to use the term, communicate, when it's appropriate. An informal voice mail message is not appropriate.
Judith Martin, (Miss Manners), said, "Let us make a special effort to stop communicating with each other, so we can have some conversation."
People don't stop to consider how their words are affecting the listener. They are more interested in communicating rather than talking. They are more concerned with how they sound than with what they are saying.
My friend had just started taking classes toward her Psychology degree and every other sentence out of her mouth was about this one "interfacing" with that one. I must have heard the word "interface" in all its conjugations, at least twenty times during our conversation. Funny, in all the years we had been friends, I never heard that word from her. It was as though she had learned a new word and she was determined to use it at every opportunity.
Let's not forget the word, paradigm. All during the years that paradigm came tripping off the tongues of everyone, I couldn't force myself to use it. I used every synonym I could think of but I couldn't use that word. It's been a while since it stopped being in vogue and just last week, I found myself using it for the first time in all these years. Maybe it's because I haven't seen it in print or heard it in conversation for such a long time that it found its way into my vernacular.
Now, there's the word iconic. Everyone and everything seems to be iconic these days. I am so sick of that word that it gives me hives to even think about it.
It used to have a special meaning. Whenever I thought about something being iconic, I placed it in the category of it being distinctive, unusual, unique, exceptional. Nowadays, that word is used indiscriminately to describe almost everyone and everything. It has become so common that it has lost its significance. One of the sources that I ran across said that it had been used 18,000 times in news stories, so how unique could those people or things being described be?
And let's not forget the word, icon. Until computers were invented, an icon usually referred to a religious work of art, more often a painting or a sacred object. When computers came along, we were introduced to small symbolic pictures, called icons, which appear on your screen as shortcuts to access a program or data.
Unfortunately, icons are being used in excess these days and many of them are so ridiculous that you can't even tell what they're supposed to mean. Some websites have more icons than words and if you don't understand what they represent, it's sometimes more prudent to beat a hasty retreat rather than waste your time and energy trying to figure them out.
We must be living in the least creative period in the history of the world. It would seem to me that there must be many words that one could substitute for the word, icon, yet studies show that it has been used in conversations and news reports over 30,000 times.
But I don't know of any word that has been used as excessively, for such a long period of time, in just about every area of life as the word, journey. I first encountered it about forty years ago when I was studying metaphysics.
I originally embraced this word to describe all of life, from birth to death, to the afterlife. And it was a lovely word until I started hearing it applied to everything except as a descriptive for people going on a trip, or embarking on an expedition or taking a holiday.
When I go to a gas station to fill the tank I almost expect someone to wish me a safe journey. They usually don't, but just about everyone else uses the word to describe something that has no relevance to travel. I even heard a newscaster use the word and it had nothing to do with a safari or a documentary or anything that involved a few pieces of luggage.
So, I'm thinking that it's time that I take some of these words out of mothballs and let them enjoy their journey into my conversations where I can communicate more effectively by interfacing with as many people as I can. I would also like to communicate with the people who design the computer programs that are being created as a paradigm for our culture. These iconic devices should be programmed to eliminate at least 50% of the icons presently in use. With so many more inventions waiting to hit the market, these outdated icons should be retired from use so that the new ones can start out on their computer journey.
There. I think that covers all the words I had eliminated from my vocabulary and they may even make sense in a convoluted way.
Have a happy journey and don't be afraid to interface with all of society instead of just sitting at your computer, which has now become iconic, and moving your icons around the screen.
Connie H. Deutsch, an internationally known business consultant and personal advisor has a keen understanding of human nature and is a natural problem-solver. She is known throughout the world for helping clients find workable solutions to complex problems.
Connie has hosted her own weekly radio show, been a weekly guest on a morning radio show, done guest spots on radio shows around the country, and appeared as a guest on a cable TV show. She wrote a weekly newspaper Advice Column for sixteen years and has been invited to speak at local colleges and given lectures around the country. She also wrote the scripts for a weekly financial show on cable TV.
Connie is the author of the book, "Whispers of the Soul" and the co-author of an E-book, "Getting Rich While the World Falls Apart," a free download on her website. She has also written and produced two CDs on Meditation and Relationships and has done coaching on customer service and employee relationships. Her website is: http://www.conniehdeutsch.com. See more of her articles by clicking herehttp://conniehdeutsch.com/articles.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6714060

Keynote Motivational Speakers on Leadership Reveal Five Secrets of Great Leaders - By Joel Garfinkle

Expert Author Sharon Gibson
You did it...you got promoted! Now what? Goal number one should be to show the company that you belong in your new position. Getting some additional training is a great way to do that. Attend events, conferences, and conventions that feature keynote motivational speakers on leadership, motivation, and management. Listening to motivational speakers will help you learn the skills you need to be outstanding in your new position. Here are five things you might learn at a leadership conference that can help you get in ahead in your management career:
1. Exceptional leaders take advice from the right people.
There are those who have successfully gone before you on the road you are on; find out who they are and be willing to accept valuable support, advice, and guidance from them. Create a support team that you can brainstorm with and learn from. Coaches, mentors, and experienced leaders can help you become a stronger and more successful leader.
2. Fearlessly move forward regardless of the circumstances if you want to be an outstanding leader.
You will need to take risks to be a great leader, so you must understand the importance of moving forward in new directions even when others stay back. Once you have the vision for a project, you'll need to step up and take the necessary risks needed to move it forward.
3. Be passionate about doing what you love to do.
Your passion and energy will spread to others who are working with you if you are truly excited about what you are doing. Others will feel your connection with your work and they will be drawn to you and your vision.
4. Know how to follow if you want to be followed.
To be a successful leader, you'll need to be trusted to submit to authority. Watching a leader follow someone else is inspiring to those who are further down the corporate ladder. Be loyal to your superiors and treat them with respect. Your team members will be inspired to do the same for you.
5. Be persistent and never, ever quit.
You will need to be able to overcome any obstacles, roadblocks, and closed doors that stand in the way of a task being successfully executed. This includes overcoming personal traits that may be holding you back or limiting you. Reaching your goals will never happen if you give up.
These are the types of tips you will receive from keynote motivational speakers on leadership when you attend a leadership training course.
Joel Garfinkle is a keynote motivational speaker who provides fresh insight into common issues that employers and employees face. Contact Joel to plan a course in leadership skill training for your employees. For more information, visit Joel's website at http://www.joelinspirationalspeaker.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6517763